The Knight's Tale

A few things to consider as we move forward:

1. Poor Emily. All she wants out of life is to be chaste, pure, and free from boy drama. However, even the goddess of chastity (Diana) herself denies her that privilege! Yet Arcite and Palamon lie, cheat, and disobey the king, and they are rewarded with honor and love. Why does the Knight (or Chaucer) tell a tale of such imbalance? Is this tale used to further oppress women of royalty? Let's not forget that Hippolyta, the queen herself, was won as a prize in war!

2. We see consistent connections between Emily and the month of May. Think of springtime as a symbol of fertility (as we touched on in class). What connection can be made between May and Emily's virginity? She is preserving flowers and she wishes to preserve her virginity...coincidence?

3. Judging by the tale he chooses to tell, what is important to the Knight? What does he value? What is he trying to teach the rest of the pilgrims? If you were judging the stories for the contest, what score would you give him?

4. Is all fair in love and war? I will keep asking you that until the day you graduate.

Highlights from the Old English Essay

The significance of the number three plays a key role juxtaposing Sir Gawain with Jesus' fallen disciple , Judas, who betrayed Jesus three times just as Sir Gawain betrayed his host. -- Mike Rossi

King Arthur breaches chivalric code by refusing the challenge of the Green Knight and allowing Sir Gawain to take his place. --Tim Rezendes

Paying close attention to the author's diction, the word 'art' specifically refers to Lady Bertilak's sexual appeal. Lady Bertilak's sexual appeal is enough to sway Sir Gawain in her favor, therefore, she is thought of as smart and powerful, instead of a slut. --Ashley Ducrepin

Since the time of Grendel's defeat, Beowulf has been spiritually and morally stumbling . In the battle with Grendel's mother, his loss of balance reflects his loss of moral balance. --Dante Ferraro

Le Fay's role in this poem was that of an over-powerful female ruler whose intelligence and devious ways allowed her to control one man's life, proving that she is in fact greater than a man. --Stephen Simmons-Uvin

Whilst many masculine villains rely on strength and sheer force to commit their dastardly deeds, feminine villains will use their treacherous mind to ensnare their prey. --Scott Pero

In hopes of maintaining social order, women with radical ideas or women who desired power were ostracized and depicted as masculine, unattractive, and to be feared. This is done so as to create a feeling of dissociation between women and the feeling of empowerment. --Coralie Casimir

Christ was someone who brought the best out of someone by challenging them to step out of their comfort zone and strive to be the best they can be. This was what the Green Knight allowed for Gawain to do. -- Genardy Cenat

Toward the end of the story, green begins to posses different meanings for different characters. Gawain realizes the sinfulness in accepting the girdle and therefore it represents shame for Gawain. However, to the rest of the kingdom, the green girdle represents victory. --Kerri Reaney

Essential Question #4

Group 1: Create an intertextual analysis of "Beowulf" and William Henley's "Invictus" (Ashley, Nicole, Genardy, Coralie, Coleman, Tru, Tim, and Rachael).

Group 2: Simplify and analyze Hrothgar's parting words to Beowulf, lines 1708-1767 (Christina, Nathaniel, Kevin, Dante, Scott, Kerri, Stephen, Mike, and Riddhi).

Essential Question #1 (Part A)

How do we create division in our society?
(Ashley, Kevin, Mike, Christina, Rachael, Tim, Nicole, and Riddhi)

Welcome Back!

I am very excited to be working with a new group of talented young scholars. I look forward to seeing their growth through the written work that they create. As students, I hope that they find this to be both a useful resource for exam review, and a celebration of their successes. This should be a great year!

Highlights from the Victorian Essay

It seems that the love that accompanies the feeling of appreciation tends to frighten Jane. --Dave Oreste

While Jane often attempts to instill an importance of morality within Rochester, she finds the same morality in St. John stifling. --Macda Gerard

Jane's place in society is continually challenged as the novel progresses. --Andy Medina

After insulting John Reed with a parallel that she made from the History of Rome, John Reed was in shock. He was astonished because she displayed a greater knowledge than she should have.-- Dora Ocampo

Bertha's mental sickness represents the consequences of following such social standards, for Bertha lived a life similar to that of Blanche Ingram. --Daryl Thomas

Jane refused the things that Mr. Rochester gave to her because she wanted her self respect as a woman and did not need a man to lavish her. Jane defies the social constructs of a woman by ensuring that she and Mr. Rochester will be married as equals. --Tabisha Fleurinord

By comparing characters with major personality and physical deviations, Bronte highlights the significance of true love and emotion through Rochester and St. John, the importance of hard work and perserverance through Jane and Blanche Ingram, and the necessity of maintaining an equal relationship through Jane and Bertha Mason. --Genevieve Noonan

The loss of authenticity, the panic of insecurity, and the stigma of being Rochester's mistress led to her escape of Thornfield. --Lu Li

Lord of the Flies Jigsaw

Students: According to the number assigned to you in class, use the following prompts to facilitate a discussion within your groups. Please post your notes on your blogs.

1-Discuss the dependence of the "littleuns" on the bigger children. Also focus on further division in the group and the balance or imbalance of power.

2- What survival techniques or strategies are used by the boys? They do not have to be only physical.

3-Discuss the presence of evil on the island. Is evil inherent or is it created?

4-Discuss the evolutionary behaviors of the boys and how they progress and/or digress as a society. What factors cause them to evolve or change?
Write here, about you and your blog.
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