The Knight's Tale/Billy's "Hot Seat"

1. What roles do each of the characters fulfill? Where do Mars and Venus fit in to the relationship between Arcite, Palamon and Emily?

2. Pg. 39: Arcite or Palamon, which had the most to suffer?
The one can see his lady day by day,
But he must dwell in prison, locked away.
The other's free , the world lies all before,
But never shall he see his lady more.

3. Think about the relationship between Arcite and Palamon. Is it realistic to betray their bond of brotherhood to pursue their love for Emily? What should they do to obey the chivalric code?

4. Pg. 34: "Whoever bound a lover by law? Love is law unto itself." Does this sound familiar? All is fair in love and war? Do you agree? Don't be cynical! Actually think about being that head-over-heels, crazy, lovesick.

5. Who saw Emily first? Does this mean anything? Does any one person have more of a claim over her?

6. What problems do you foresee for Arcite and Palamon? Think about Emily's relation to the king...


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