Highlights from the Renaissance Essay

This use of farce is Shakespeare's way of parodying traditional gender roles. The suppression Katherine faces is the suppression of all unquiet women in society.--Hannah McCaffrey

Shakespeare uses the powerful women to indicate that women are not systematically oppressed , and they are able to balance men's power.--Genevieve Noonan

As he is lifted from his burden, in the end he is crushed by the very madness which empowered him.--Dave Oreste

As Hamlet loses his sense of moral and instinctual direction, the only true expression of Hamlet's thoughts and his changing opinion on life and death can be seen through his soliloquies dispersed throughout the play.--Daryl Thomas

He (Hamlet) is torn between his vengeful thoughts and peaceful nature.--Andy Medina

Hamlet's shifting views are like a fire since it starts with a small spark, grows large as it is fed more air, and the burns out, leaving cold ashes behind.--Andrew Goncalves

Hamlet can hate dreadfully, yet he can love passionately; he can be very analytical and contemplate the meaning of life, yet he can also be demented and speak "wild and whirling words".--Lu Li


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