A Couple of Reminders...

In regards to your college essay...

1. Just because something sad or horrible has happened to you does not mean that you will be a good college student. Unless you only use the horrible experience as a lens with which to magnify your own personal characteristics, you will not write a good essay.

2. Essays should fit in well with the rest of a candidate's application, explaining the unexplained and steering clear of that which is already obvious.

3. "Diversity" is the biggest buzzword. Every college, professional school, or graduate school wants to increase diversity. Address specifically how your diversity will contribute to the realm of campus opinion, the academic environment, and social life.

4. Don't mention weaknesses unless you absolutely need to explain them away. Why admit to weakness when you can instead showcase your strengths?

5. Be honest, but not for honesty's sake. Unless you are a truly excellent writer, your best, most passionate writing will be about events that actually occurred. Write an essay about your life that demonstrates your personality


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