Did You Pick the Right Topic?

When finalizing the topic for your college essay, consider the following:

• Have you selected a topic that describes something of personal importance in your life, with which you can use vivid personal experiences as supporting details?

• Is your topic a gimmick? You should be very, very careful if you are planning to do this. Almost always, this is done poorly and is not appreciated by the admissions committee.

• Will your topic only repeat information listed elsewhere on your application? If so, pick a new topic.

• Can you keep the reader's interest from the first word. The entire essay must be interesting, considering admissions officers will probably only spend a few minutes reading each essay.

• Is your topic overdone?

• Will your topic turnoff a large number of people? The only thing worse than not writing a memorable essay is writing an essay that will be remembered negatively.

• If you are presenting a topic that is controversial, you must acknowledge counter arguments without sounding arrogant.

• Will an admissions officer remember your topic after a day of reading hundreds of essays? What will the officer remember about your topic? What will the officer remember about you?


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