Love According to AP Literature...

In case you missed them, here a few highlights from our discussion of courting in the 21st century. If we ruled the world...

1. Never appreciate her any less than you did when you first fell in love with her. Never take her for granted no matter how long you are together. Always keep that feeling of initial love.--Michael Fullerton

2. If the date went according to plan, the guy should take her home. Means of transportation does not matter. Taking the 70 can give you an opportunity to snuggle up. Once at her home, tell her you really enjoyed tonight, give her a hug. If you are lucky, the girl should approach for a kiss. From there, you should part ways.--Daryl Thomas

3. COOK! The way to any man’s heart is definitely food. Of course going out to a restaurant for dinner is always good, but there’s nothing better than a home cooked meal.--Dora Ocampo

4. Before your first date, go through a checklist: make sure you smell nice, make sure your breath does not smell, and check to see that your zipper is up. Trust me, these may be basic things but forget one of them, and you may find yourself single in no time.--Dave Oreste

5. "Thou shalt not covet anything that belongs to your friends."
Especially their girlfriends.--Lu Li

6. If someone breaks your heart, do not give up. Keep your head held high at all times...If your heart is ever in a million pieces, buy yourself a quart of cookie dough ice cream and move on with your life. I promise things will definitely get better.--Genevieve Noonan

7. Cherish her for who she is and who she’s not. From her beauty, her intelligence, her hopes, her dreams, to her flaws, her corny jokes, her bad hair days, and everything in between.--Macda Gerard


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